Science and Tech

Get ready to see more ads on Prime Video in 2025

Get ready to see more ads on Prime Video in 2025

“We have not changed our plans to have significantly fewer ads than linear television and other streaming TV providers, and we evaluate advertising volumes to ensure we are providing a great customer experience,” a spokeswoman told Fast Company.

In the conversation with the FT, Day also talked about how they have implemented the advertising strategy and highlighted that their decision not to include them in the middle of the programs (in Mexico they do appear in the middle of the shows), although contrary to the trends of the industry, has been beneficial for their business.

He explained that the decision was to incorporate advertising within the platform in a “soft” way, but over time they realized that it exceeded “customers’ expectations in terms of what the advertising experience would be like.”

Similar to the case of Netflix, which instead of losing users by announcing the elimination of shared accounts, Day declared that the advertising strategy has not had a considerable impact on the platform, since the loss of customers has been “much smaller than expected.” “what we expected.”

On the other hand, one of the most relevant plans that Amazon could apply as part of this new series of measures is that they would also be testing interactive ads, with which viewers could add a product to their shopping cart without abandoning their series or movie. .

How much should you pay to watch Prime Video without ads?

Since April of this year, users must pay an extra 50 pesos if they want to avoid the advertising that will appear from time to time while they enjoy their favorite programs.

The decision by Amazon Prime Video, owned by Jeff Bezos, comes at a time when the streaming industry is proposing new alternatives to make its business profitable in the face of the competition that has arisen with the arrival of more competitors.

In Mexico, according to data from the consulting firm Nielsen, Prime Video has a share of 0.8% and is behind YouTube, with 9.2%, and Netflix, with 3.7% of the population that watches streaming.

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