Science and Tech

Geophysics student did an internship at the Dendrochronology and Global Change Laboratory

Geophysics student did an internship at the Dendrochronology and Global Change Laboratory

“I felt that I needed to apply what I was learning in my career (Geophysics), since I was very focused on the theoretical aspect. he had read papers scientists of Professor Duncan Christie and had common interests”, explained Manuel Suazo.

Thus, this 5th year student from the University of Concepción arrived at the UACh joining the Dendrochronology and Global Change Laboratory for a few days.

“I am working on my undergraduate thesis, which is focused on the hydroclimatic reconstruction of the zero isotherm. It is a job whose results are not the same if it is done online, because in person I can better see the mistakes, ”he said.

For the student, getting to know the UACh has been very satisfying, both because of the work that has been carried out here and because of the warm reception from the team. His plan now is to pursue a postgraduate degree at the School of Forest Sciences and Natural Resources. “I really liked the campus and the atmosphere. It is very motivating to study and my intention is to enter the Master’s in Sciences with a mention in Forests and the Environment that is taught here”, he stated enthusiastically.

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