economy and politics

Garamendi, open to talking about making the day more flexible if it is done "within collective bargaining"

Garamendi, open to talking about making the day more flexible if it is done "within collective bargaining"

The president of CEOE has met with Feijóo and they have shared their concern about absenteeism and productivity

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The president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, has been open to talking about making the working day more flexible as long as it is done “within collective bargaining” and in an “orderly” manner.

This was stated by Garamendi upon leaving a meeting with the leader of the Popular Party (PP), Alberto Núñez Feijóo, where they exchanged points of view on the Conciliation Law that the Popular Group has registered in Congress and the PP proposal of the four-day work week and a bank of hours so that workers can choose how to use them to reconcile.

In statements to the media, the president of CEOE has assured that the employers’ association is open to talking about flexibility in the working day with the PP and a pool of hours, as proposed by the party, if it is addressed through collective bargaining.

“We are open to talking about hours, days, flexibility, a pool of hours, as long as it is within the framework of that collective bargaining (…) We are also demanding this (in the negotiation) regarding 37.5 hours,” stressed Garamendi, who described the meeting with Feijóo as “positive.”

During the meeting, Garamendi and Feijóo addressed productivity and absenteeism, which this year is costing the public coffers more than 2,000 million euros, according to CEOE figures, and which must be addressed to gain employment and improve productivity. economy, as Garamendi has defended.

The president of the employers’ association has assured that these two issues are concerns shared with the leader of the PP and has stressed that absenteeism “is greatly affecting productivity”, for which he thanked Feijóo for having addressed this issue within the social dialogue. . “We have to see how we can, together, how we can improve,” he explained.


On the other hand, Garamendi has indicated that Feijóo has also transferred to the CEOE his proposal for a Conciliation Law, which contains formulas such as free daycare or nursery schools, a measure that employers see as “good.”

“With respect to the law, I believe that the term, fitted within what collective bargaining is, fits us,” he stressed, although he insisted that the CEOE must study the proposal.

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