Science and Tech

From the dog chip to the pacemaker: devices that you would never have imagined could be hacked

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When thinking about hacking, many people think about their computer or mobile phone. But in reality there are many other vulnerable devices… and more and more.

Today, everything is smarter, more digitalized. And although this is a clear evolution, at least in general terms, it also has its negative side.

The more technological something is, the easier it is to hack. Generally, we think of computers, mobile phones or even television screens. However, there are many other vulnerable devices.

Not too long ago, the news broke that they had managed to hack nothing more and nothing less than toothbrushes. Well, there are similar sites that probably would not have even crossed your mind, but they can also be hacked just the same. We tell you the most curious ones.

medical implants

It may sound like a science fiction movie. Ghost in the Shell, but it’s true: medical implants can be hacked today. And in fact, they pose a really high risk.

In 2017, researchers showed that could hack certain brands of pacemakers to deliver lethal shocks or prematurely drain batteries. Vulnerabilities in the wireless communication of these devices allow hackers to access and manipulate them remotely.

Smart homes

There is no doubt that smart homes, commonly called home automation, help make home life easier. However, that does not mean that it necessarily makes it safer. In some cases, precisely the opposite even happens.

Without going any further, attack on a smart lock could allow a hacker to unlock doors remotely. Additionally, connected security cameras can be compromised, easily allowing attackers to spy on homeowners.

Pet ID Chips

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As strange as it may be, RFID identification chips implanted in pets, used to track and recover lost animals, can also be hacked.

And what could be achieved with something like this? Well, for example, clone the data on the chip and, without going any further, deactivate itso if an animal is lost, it would be more difficult to find it or locate its owner.

Vehicle access key fobs

It is also proven that cybercriminals have enough knowledge to hack vehicle access key fobs. That is, electronic devices that are commonly used to, for example, open cars remotely, from a certain distance.

In this case, the hackers’ reasons for doing so are beyond doubt, right? Once they manage to intercept and clone the signal, it is much easier for them to steal any vehicle. without needing to have a key (at least a physical one, so to speak). The practice is so popular that it even has a term by which it is known in the United States: relay attack.

Smart Watches

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Smart watches are very fashionable, but we must keep in mind that they can be hacked. Not to mention that, in this specific case, the situation can be more dangerous, since When connected to the mobile phone, there may be more sensitive information to steal.

Likewise, hacking these devices allows you to find out someone’s location or, in some cases, even listen to their conversations.

In short, there are more and more devices that can be hacked. Technology advances by leaps and bounds, it is true, but so does those who seek to take advantage of it to commit crimes. And they are not exactly few.

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Tags: Curiosities, mobile devices, Cybersecurity

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