
Four dead and two injured in an attack on a UN ‘blue helmet’ vehicle in Mali

Four dead and two injured in an attack on a UN 'blue helmet' vehicle in Mali


The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) has raised the balance of those affected to four dead and two injured after the attack suffered by one of its vehicles in the Kidal region, in the north of the African country.

“On October 17, a despicable attack with improvised explosive devices claimed the lives of three peacekeepers (…) Another soldier succumbed to his injuries on Tuesday,” MINUSMA said on its official Twitter profile.

The explosion occurred during a mine-sweeping patrol in the Tessalit area. Since the UN mission began its deployment in Mali, these types of bombs have claimed the lives of more than 75 soldiers.

For his part, the Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, this Tuesday joined the denunciations of MINUSMA itself and has “strongly” condemned the attack perpetrated against the ‘blue helmets’ in Tessalit.

Guterres’ spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric, has reported that the four deceased from MINUSMA were of Chadian origin, with which he has conveyed his condolences to the authorities and the population of Chad, as well as to the families of the victims.

“The Secretary-General recalls that attacks against United Nations peacekeepers may constitute war crimes under international law,” Dujarric said.

In addition, Dujarric has asked the Malian authorities to spare no effort to “identify the perpetrators of this attack” so that they are “quickly” brought to justice.

Mali, like other countries in the Sahel, has registered in recent years a growing number of jihadist attacks carried out by both the Al Qaeda affiliate in the region and the Islamic State. These terrorist actions have in turn led to an increase in inter-community violence and caused the displacement of tens of thousands of people.

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