economy and politics

For this security reason you should not print ATM tickets.

Colombian money

With the increasing use of electronic payments, many users began to use electronic payments more frequently. ATMs to make their transactions. However, it is common that at the end of the operation, the ‘ticket’ is printed to have a reference or proof that the money was sent.

Why is it not recommended to print the ‘ticket’?

Cybersecurity specialists and environmental NGOs say that it is completely harmful to print the receipt. On the contrary, not doing so reduces the risks associated with it.

1. Environmental impact: from Greenpeace They argue that this is harmful to the environment. The environmental and social impact of paper use is still significant, as thousands of trees are cut down and millions of litres of water are used for its production. The international organisation maintains that unnecessary and excessive use should be reduced, as well as choosing other more suitable options such as recycled paper.

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2. For security reasons: The ‘ticket’ of the operation carried out contains a lot of information that should not be shared with strangers, for example, personal data that can be exploited by criminals waiting for a lapse.

Colombian money


Recommendations to avoid falling for a scam:

1. First of all, it is important to see the operation summary via the ATM screen or, failing that, from the application.

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2. If you have printed the paper, it is recommended that you take it with you and not leave it in a trash can that third parties have access to. Then must be destroyed very carefully, either with a shredder or by hand, but without leaving any personal data visible.

Other things to keep in mind when using an ATM

From the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic The bank also issued recommendations for its clients and those of other entities. On the one hand, it informed that ATMs should not be used in the event of messages or abnormal situations.

It is also necessary to be careful when typing the personal key. Do not trust strangers or ask for help from anyone. If you have any problems, contact the bank directly.

Change your schedule frequently key, password or access and memorize it instead of writing it down on a piece of paper that could fall into the hands of scammers.

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