Science and Tech

Find out why some people are always late and how to improve punctuality according to experts

Woman who is waiting

Being late may seem like an everyday occurrence, but for some people it is a constant in their lives. While many interpret it as a lack of respect or rudeness, there are deeper reasons behind this tendency.

Punctuality, or its absence, can be influenced by neurological factorspsychological, and even personality traits. So what makes some people always late, no matter the circumstances?

According to experts such as Hugo Spiersprofessor of cognitive neuroscience at University College London, the tendency to be late may be related to the way our brain perceives and manages time.

Neurological and psychological reasons behind lateness


One of the key factors in understanding why some people are always late is related with the way they perceive timeNeuroscience experts explain that the human brain does not always correctly calculate the duration of tasks.

This ability, which resides in the hippocampus, affects time perception and the ability to plan. For those with difficulties in this area, underestimating the time needed to get to a place or complete an activity is common.

In addition, studies have found that Those who are more familiar with an environment tend to underestimate the time It is as if their confidence in their knowledge of the area leads them to ignore potential obstacles, such as traffic or unforeseen events, which inevitably makes them late.

Another factor that influences lateness is poor time management. Many people believe they can do multiple tasks in a short period of time, which is often unrealistic. These planning errors mean that, even if they try to arrive on time, they end up being late.

A recent study found that People who are easily distracted, for example by music or conversations, often have a distorted perception of time. that take time to perform certain tasks.

Moreover, multitasking, which is often perceived as an efficient skill, can actually exacerbate the problem. By dividing attention across multiple activities, people often lose track of time. This leads them to take on more tasks than they should, which ultimately contributes to their procrastination.

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Personality plays a crucial role in the tendency to be late. People who have a lower awareness of the importance of punctuality, or who enjoy risk, may be more likely to underestimate the importance of time.

This is related to procrastination, a phenomenon in which people put off important tasks because they feel overwhelmed or unmotivated.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can also play a role. People with ADHD often have difficulty managing time and tend to overestimate their ability to complete tasks in less time than they actually need.

Effective strategies to stop being late and improve time management



Although some of the factors that lead to lateness may seem difficult to overcome, there are solutions. Experts recommend simple techniques, such as set additional alarms or use reminders on your phone to plan ahead. Also, working on creating new routines can be effective.

For example, calculating the time it actually takes to perform routine tasks such as getting dressed or getting ready to go out.

Another useful tip is to engage with other people, how to offer to pick someone up. This creates an external obligation that can motivate people to get out on time. On a psychological level, cognitive behavioral therapy can help address the underlying issues of procrastination and improve self-management.

Finally, it is crucial to understand how tardiness affects others. By developing a greater awareness of its impact, people can feel more responsible and committed to being on time. Punctuality is not only a skill that improves daily life, but it also reflects respect and consideration for others.

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