Science and Tech

Fernando Ranz (Celonis): "We are ideally sized to be able to maneuver and react to market innovations."

Fernando Ranz (Celonis): "We are ideally sized to be able to maneuver and react to market innovations."

June 24 (Portaltic/EP) –

The process mining expert company Celonis considers that its adaptation to the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its integration into processes has been “very flexible” because it has “an ideal size to be able to maneuver and react to new market innovations,” according to its VP and Country Manager for Iberia and Latin America, Fernando Ranz.

The firm recently celebrated Celonis Day Madrid, where it recalled that it has the capacity and the “muscle” to be able to carry out the research and development of tools focused on updating processes, “always listening very closely” to clients and “working hand in hand” with them to see how to agilely incorporate this innovation to their needs.

This event, which brought together managers from firms such as Amadeus, Deloitte, NTT Data and Telefónica, “exceeded” the company’s expectations and served as a space to “facilitate conversations between customers and companies.” as the manager commented in a subsequent interview.

“We are taking a step back to establish this collaboration, which I believe is very nutritious for both parties and allows us to understand how something that may seem complex a priori is much more viable from a technological, organizational and evolution point of view. companies,” he explained.

Ranz has insisted that these types of events also serve to “break barriers and taboos, as well as so that the agents of change are able to identify the tangible benefits and the impact quantified in millions of euros.”

Artificial Intelligence is already part of the agenda of all companies today and not only concerns those responsible for technological sections, but has also been extended to experts in the organization and IT teams, since they need to be able “extracting value from the organization“, according to Ranz.

To do this, Celonis proposes the Process Intelligence Graph, a tool that uses this technology to predict how the business flows, suggest new automation models and, ultimately, serve its clients as a kind of “Wikipedia of processes.”

It is an independent system that creates standardized process data, as well as a representation of the functioning of companies and that collects both commercial elements (for example, orders placed and invoices issued) and events (such as product development or payments. of those invoices).

Once the information is collected, Celonis helps its clients “structure it, establish a model and offer an idea of ​​what the next path may be”, also based on information from external sources “to compare what the improvements would be in the future,” added the manager.

This means that, once all this data has been standardized and organized, you obtain a digital twin that replicates the operation of the processes and how they relate to each other, to be able to scale them in different future use cases.

This tool is complemented with AI CoPilotwhich has a structure typical of ‘chatbots’ and offers users a scheme of ideas to streamline their operations and make them more effective.

Ranz considers that this platform “has a very intuitive interface and all the necessary answers” to know what impact a business decision can have on its client, what its billing cycle is like and how to supply these products, by linking the client with the suppliers.

These tools have also proven to be “very flexible” in this time, among other things, due to the nature of the company itself. “We have an ideal size to be able to maneuver and react to new innovations in the market, as well as to respond with agility,” explained the manager.

Ranz has also commented how the perspective of companies in the adoption of AI has changed, which are now much more predisposed despite the fact that “historically a lot has been invested in technology, but in some cases These investments have not been profitable.”

In this sense, he has recognized that Celonis has the “obsession” that companies that trust in its service are sure “that the investment they make really returns” and that it is not in favor of its potential clients “investing in technology just because.” , without being very clear or understanding what impact that can have.


To sustain these innovations, Celonis has a team of more than 500 employees at its headquarters in the capital, founded in 2021. This is the Celonis Madrid Hub, which has become a leading work and training center in Europe and which It has also exceeded the company’s expectations.

“At this point, we are close to 600 workers, with the priority that many of the positions offered worldwide be filled from Madrid”, reinforcing investment and incorporating new profiles, commented Ranz.

This hub, located in the AZCA complex – a nucleus of large national and international companies – already has 50 percent international workers and 50 percent female employees, “which is well above the industry average and demonstrates Celonis’ commitment to diversity,” he explained.

The firm, which currently has 90 jobs to fill, believes that, “in addition to capturing talent, it must be protected, especially in hot topics such as AI”, an area in which it also trains the companies to which it offers its services. service.

“We have a series of certifications and training processes with a very specific methodology, which helps them form a center of excellence in process mining”, a process they have gone through already “more than 1,500 organizations“distributed throughout the world.

Celonis clients also have the support of the firm’s collaborating partners, “who are responsible for providing their processes with their own business practices.” Likewise, it has Celonis Academy, which “is responsible for offering knowledge to university students”, while the firm works with different business schools to incorporate process mining as part of the subjects.

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