economy and politics

Feijóo exacerbates the strategy of the useful vote: “We need 20 seats to govern alone”

Feijóo follows in the wake of the right in Europe and subordinates the environment to economic interests

Alberto Núñez Feijóo already sees himself as President of the Government. But he does not want his electorate, who according to the polls is hypermobilized, to take him for granted. In any case, the PP candidate has revealed the figures that Genoa manages and has exacerbated the strategy of the useful vote around his ballot. “If we do not unite the vote, there will be thousands of votes that do not get a seat. And we, for those thousands of votes, will lose a seat. A seat in this province, in another, in another, in another and in another are 20. And 20 seats are what we need to govern alone ”, he revealed in an act on the Paseo del Pombé in Oviedo.

Feijóo follows in the wake of the right in Europe and subordinates the environment to economic interests


Although the leader of the PP has tried to avoid Vox as much as possible during the campaign, the possibility of an agreement to govern in coalition with Santiago Abascal is on the table. It has already happened in several regional governments -this same Friday it has materialized in Extremadura- and the management has recognized it in a more or less veiled way. “It is time to decide one thing only: if Feijóo is president alone or accompanied,” said the general coordinator, Elías Bendodo, who has presented the dichotomy in which there is “a strong government”, of the PP alone, or “one not so strong”, in reference to a bipartite with Vox, although he has not expressly mentioned it.

Feijóo dedicates part of his interventions at rallies to explaining the complex arithmetic of the D’Hont law to convince the undecided and even Vox voters to choose their ballot. “Those who do not want PSOE, Sumar, subtract (what is left of Podemos), ERC, Bildu and all of them, which are 16 (…) deserve to govern Spain, I tell them to unite the vote,” said the conservative candidate . “Don’t give a ball for lost, don’t give a ballot for lost”, two hundred attendees told them: “These elections must be won by Spain”.

“I propose to interrupt the sanchismo and start a new political path ”, Feijóo added before attacking some of the measures that the Government has put in place. On this occasion, the leader of the PP has especially gotten involved with the financing of 50% Interrail for young people and cultural vouchers for the elderly to the point of confronting the two generations. “Why don’t you take me a little more seriously?”, He has wondered when referring to the day of the viewer on Tuesdays in which the cinema for pensioners costs two euros. “Are we really going to pay for the people with the most wealth on Tuesdays for the movies?” He said.

“And to the children of people with good assets, with a 9-meter yacht in Gijón, are we going to pay for the Interrail? Are we going to pay for the cinema with the money of the unemployed? But do you really believe that Spain is this? A set of checks that are financed with your parents’ taxes or with the debt you leave behind?”, continued Feijóo, who came to describe the 400-euro cultural check that he himself implanted in Galicia as “immoral”.

“It turns out that I pay the Interrail to a young person but I do not lower the VAT on canned meat and fish to an older person. It is a very surprising thing”, the PP candidate questioned: “How can you get the young vote at the cost of not lowering VAT on basic products such as meat, fish and preserves?”.

Feijóo has taken advantage of his presence in Asturias to pronounce himself on the wolf conflict, which confronts ranchers and environmentalists, with one of the few concrete messages that he has launched regarding his proposals if he governs. Since he already makes his electoral program, Feijóo has not hesitated to side with economic interests: “I want to win to tell a rancher that we cannot have loose animals that end up with the cattle herd in Asturias. I want to win to say that the wolf is a species to be protected but it is not a sacred animal but rather has to live with the rest in a balanced way”.

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