
EU leaders will signal intention to strengthen “high-value” relations with Morocco after CJEU ruling

EU leaders will signal intention to strengthen "high-value" relations with Morocco after CJEU ruling


The leaders of the European Union will indicate in writing the “high value” they give to relations with Morocco and the intention to strengthen cooperation with Rabat after the ruling of the EU Court of Justice that struck down trade agreements with Morocco for not take into account Western Sahara.

“The European Council reaffirms the high value that the EU places on its strategic partnership with Morocco and reiterates the need to preserve and continue to strengthen close relations with Morocco in all areas of the partnership,” states the latest version of the draft conclusions. of the European summit to which Europa Press has had access.

The CJEU declared the agricultural and fishing trade agreements between the EU and Morocco illegal on the grounds that both were concluded without the consent of the people of Western Sahara.

In any case, the text of the leaders of the 27 partially lowers the initial version, proposed by France and Spain, and includes an express mention of the ruling of the CJEU, of which it claims to take note, as well as making it clear that foreign policy adheres to the treaties.

Regarding the issue of Western Sahara, the language of the conclusions refers to the United Nations process and its resolutions to find a “fair, realistic, pragmatic, sustainable and mutually acceptable” political solution.

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