Science and Tech

Electricity from storms seems to regulate chlorine on Mars

Artist's impression of electricity in a Martian dust storm.

Artist’s impression of electricity in a Martian dust storm. -NASA

17 Feb. () –

Electricity from dust storms may be the main driving force behind a global Martian chlorine cycle, whose existence was detected by the ExoMars TGO orbiter.

Scientists consider chlorine to be one of the five “moving” elements of Mars (the others are hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and sulfur). This means that chlorine, in different forms, goes back and forth between the surface and the atmosphere of Mars. In the ground, chloride deposits—similar to Earth’s shallow saline or salt beaches—are widespread. These chloride deposits probably formed in the early history of Mars. as precipitated chloride salts from brines.

In a new study, planetary scientist Allan Wang of Washington University in St. Louis shows that an especially effective way of transporting chlorine from soil to air on Mars is through reactions triggered by electrical discharges generated in Martian dust. The findings are published in Geophysical Research Letters.

Wang and his colleagues carried out a series of experiments in which they obtained high yields of chlorine gas from common chlorides, all this applying electrical discharges to the solid salts in conditions similar to those of Mars. They conducted these experiments using a University of Washington planetary simulation chamber (called the Planetary Environment and Analysis Chamber, or PEACh).

“The high rate of chlorine release from common chlorides revealed by this study indicates a promising pathway for converting surface chlorides to the gas phases we now see in the atmosphere,” he says. it’s a statement Kevin Olsen, a researcher at the Open University in the United Kingdom, and co-author of the new study.

These findings support the idea that Martian dust activities may drive a global chlorine cycle.” With the ExoMars TGO (Trace Gas Orbiter) mission, we observe repeated seasonal activity that coincides with global and regional dust storms.”

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