economy and politics

ECLAC highlights the importance of implementing strategies to digitalize the productive sector in the region

During the afternoon of Thursday, October 3, the master class taught by Marco Dini, Economic Affairs Officer of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), was held in virtual format, focused on the digital transformation of the productive sector. This activity was part of the 10th edition of the Latin American School of Digital Transformation and Innovation, held in São Paulo from September 30 to October 3. At this event, specialists and leaders from different sectors discussed the digitalization of production processes and the incorporation of green technologies to promote more sustainable development.
During his speech, Dini argued that for decades, “a structural problem of low growth has been brewing in the region,” accentuated by a digital divide that affects the productivity of key sectors for the region’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), such as agriculture, mining and manufacturing. This technological gap puts the competitiveness of Latin American companies at risk, placing their productivity far below that of advanced economies such as the United States, Europe or South Korea.

Need to Implement a Comprehensive Strategy

To face these challenges, Dini stressed the importance of scaling and improving Productive Development Policies, which act as engines to increase productivity and achieve more productive, inclusive and sustainable development patterns. As part of these efforts, ECLAC launched the Cluster Initiatives and Territorial Productive Coordination Platform (IATP) in order to promote a regional agenda that encourages productive transformation.
Among the IATP’s areas of interest is making visible the different cluster initiatives, sharing good practices and jointly exploring new markets. The platform also places emphasis on the creation of strategic alliances to foster convergence in digitalization processes, improving governance and promoting constant dialogue between key actors. This effort is aimed at structuring a comprehensive strategy that promotes more productive and equitable development in Latin America.
Finally, Dini concluded with the idea that to achieve a more inclusive and efficient future in the region, countries must implement comprehensive strategies that prioritize innovation and cooperation between sectors, which will allow us to overcome current challenges and build a more resilient economy.
Finally, Dini concluded with the idea that to achieve a more inclusive and efficient future in the region, countries must implement comprehensive strategies that prioritize innovation and cooperation between sectors, which will allow us to overcome current challenges and build a more resilient economy.

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