Science and Tech

Does your TV look bad? Instantly improve the image quality by disabling this feature on your Smart TV

Improve picture quality on Smart TV with Netflix

If you’ve just bought a new Smart TV and when you turn it on you realize that the picture doesn’t look as you expected, you may be completely disappointed with the quality. Don’t worry, because this problem isn’t necessarily related to your TV’s hardware.

Often, This is a misconfiguration that can be fixed with a few simple adjustments.. Each brand and model is different and to get the most out of it, it is essential to make some modifications to the initial configuration.

Imagine you are watching a movie or a series and you realize that it looks bad, with dull colors, lack of sharpness or insufficient brightness, the solution could be just a click away.

A small change can have a big impact on your multimedia experience. To do this, you must pay attention to two settings that are usually enabled by default and that you must disable at all costs, this is the function of energy saving and the automatic light sensor.

Two key adjustments to improve the image quality of your TV

While these options are useful for reducing power consumption and adapting the image to ambient lighting, they can also significantly compromise visual quality.

This saving mode limits the brightness and optimizes performance so the TV consumes less energy. However, this often results in inferior picture quality, where the TV sacrifices color saturation to meet efficiency regulations.

On the other hand, The automatic light sensor adjusts the screen brightness based on the surrounding light conditionsWhile this may seem useful for adjusting the brightness of the room, it often results in the image being darker than it should be.

This is especially evident in low-light environments, where the Smart TV tends to reduce the screen brightness, affecting the image quality and causing you to miss important details. By disabling this feature, you can enjoy a brighter image. and in better detail.

It is worth noting that by not using these two functions, you are very likely to notice an immediate improvement in the image quality of your television. Colors will appear more vivid, details will be sharper, and brightness will be more adequate.

Remember that every TV is different, so we recommend exploring the picture settings on your specific model to find the settings that best suit your tastes and needs.

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Tags: Smart TV

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