Science and Tech

Data is gold for e-commerce, but that’s how it should be collected

Data is gold for e-commerce, but that's how it should be collected

This means that the data is used to generate favorable experiences for the user regardless of whether a season of offers is approaching, such as the Good End. “They are important in these times because there are more sales, but they must be maintained as a long-term strategy to know the user profile and offer relevant offers at any time”, he mentions.

Given the privacy measures of technology companies, companies must obtain data responsibly. The cookies tracked information without asking the user, Juárez mentions, but when the relationship with the user is more transparent in terms of their information, the impact will reach the people who really want to be reached.

“Transparency and ethical handling of data is essential to improve people’s shopping experiences, they must know that their information is being tracked and this will allow them to maintain a consistent cart,” explains the specialist.

This is especially significant in the digital environment, where consumers are looking for a more meaningful experience to save through planned purchases, in addition to the fact that the customer is usually open to trying new retailers and brands that meet their expectations.

Good End forecasts

For the 2022 edition of Buen Fin, eight out of 10 Internet users plan to buy a product or service during the campaign, according to the Buying Expectations report for El Buen Fin, carried out by the Mexican Association of Online Sales (AMVO).

In this sense, internet searches reveal that the products with the greatest purchase interest for the end of the year correspond to the categories of Fashion, Toys, Beauty, Electronics and Alcoholic beverages.

While specifically for this edition, interest in the Fashion category stands out, which has been one of the fastest growing in the last two years, thanks to the fact that there is less fear among people regarding e-commerce.

On the other hand, the Electronics category has the greatest intention to buy online (59%), followed by Home Appliances (40%) and Fashion (38%); being the companies dedicated to digital commerce the ones that attract the greatest intention to buy online.

As for the main motivators to buy at El Buen Fin, taking advantage of discounts and promotions stands out (71%), taking advantage of better discounts and promotions than in other campaigns (45%), and buying at El Buen Fin because it was already planned and saved specifically for buy during the campaign (37%).

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