
Daniel Ortega’s regime returns Bishop Rolando Álvarez to prison after refusing to be “exiled” from Nicaragua, a source tells CNN

( Spanish) — Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Álvarez was transferred back to prison after refusing to be “exiled” from the country, a source with knowledge of the case told on Wednesday.

Álvarez had been transferred from La Modelo prison to a building of the Episcopal Conference in police custody, while it was determined whether he would leave the country, the same source told earlier.

contacted the Holy See press office, which responded: “As soon as we have information, we will give it.”

The Nicaraguan Justice sentenced Monsignor Rolando José Álvarez in February to more than 26 years in prison on charges of detriment to the State of the Republic and Nicaraguan society, and propagation of false news. Lacking legal representation, the bishop was unable to defend himself against the accusations.

On June 28, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ordered the State of Nicaragua to “immediately” release Álvarez. The court gave him until July 7 for the authorities to inform him about the situation of the religious.

contacted the Nicaraguan Communication and Citizenship Council and awaits a response.

Gabi Plana and Javier Romero contributed to this report

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