Science and Tech

Clibrain plans to reduce the language gap in AI with solutions designed for the Spanish-speaking market

Clibrain plans to reduce the language gap in AI with solutions designed for the Spanish-speaking market

May 16. (Portaltic/EP) –

The emerging company (‘startup’) Clibrain has presented two of its artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, Clichat and Clicall, a sample of its work with Spanish language models.

Both the public and private sectors are investing more and more resources for the development of artificial intelligence in spanishas evidenced by the creation by the Spanish Government of PERTE ‘New Language Economy’, which allocates 330 million euros to promote AI in this language.

AI has also become popular in recent months due to the appearance of the great language models and the ‘chatbots’ such as OpenAI, ChatGPT, which in addition to displaying great contextual processing capabilities are also easy to usefrom simple instructions in natural language.

The command of English in this area is not questioned, but the difference between its functioning in this language and in other languages, including Spanish, is still great.

In this context, Clibrain has proposed to bring to the Spanish-speaking market “the best artificial intelligence solutions, contextualized and specifically trained to function much more optimally in Spanish“, as indicated in a press release.

The ‘startup’ has a research area that works on building native language models and scientifically differential in collaboration with universities and research groups.

It also has a B2B solution in which APIs are being developed for the consumption of these technologies by third parties; and a product development area that allows any company to adopt AI.

Among the products it already develops is click, a consultation solution for users and companies equipped with AI that allows private work by applying this technology on documents provided by the user, and clicka system specialized in transcription and interpretation of calls to improve the productivity of companies.

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