Science and Tech

ChatGPT doesn’t know everything: these are the topics you should never leave in the hands of AI

ChatGPT doesn't know everything: these are the topics you should never leave in the hands of AI

What some say may be true, and sooner rather than later artificial intelligence will surpass human capabilities in many ways. At this time, it is difficult to know how far this technology can go and what its limits are, if it really has any. But today, Nor should we make the mistake of thinking that it is a panacea.

Consulting with proposals like ChatGPT can be useful to speed up a lot of tasks, professional or personal, But there are aspects that she is not prepared for you to leave in her hands. You have the possibility of doing it, but it is not what is said to be advisable, or the remedy may end up being worse than the disease. These are the most worrying cases.

ChatGPT is not your doctor

When you have a health problem, there is always the temptation to consult a diagnosis on the Internet. A practice that is as common as it is dangerous, since not all information on the network is always reliable and, when it is, no one ensures that it is interpreted correctly. Well, something very similar happens with artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT cannot make accurate diagnoses or recommend personalized treatments, and fully trusting their knowledge can be dangerous when it comes to health issues. Don’t replace your doctor with him.

Be careful with mental health

As curious as it may be, it seems that many young people are changing the psychologist’s consultation for ChatGPT. Telling your problems to artificial intelligence can be an escape route, like any other, but it will certainly never be a 100% solution.

Beyond the data handled by these tools, when it comes to psychology (as happens with medicine), each specific case differs from the others, and AI does not have the ability to adjust properly to these particularities. At least not for now.

Important decisions

There are times when making a decision is not an easy task, for example at work. But Leaving this responsibility in the hands of programs like ChatGPT is not the best idea. As much as AI has the power to manage data, information and that kind of thing, there is another very important element that it lacks: intuition.

Since being successful in business, love, or any other important thing in life does not come from an exact formula (or else everyone would always succeed), there are many subjective and passionate components that are part of the equation. And in that sense, human qualities cannot be simulated.

Legal advice

Who knows, maybe one day everyone will have a robot lawyer, like in science fiction movies. However, today there is a big difference between what an AI like ChatGPT can do and what it can’t.

These tools are capable of making you known lawsor tell you how some legal aspects work, but it cannot evaluate specific cases either.not even if you tell him all the details.

For this reason, it is important to know how to distinguish what you leave in the hands of artificial intelligence and what you don’t. It’s impossible to know what will happen in the future, but right now, ChatGPT doesn’t know everything, far from it.

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Tags: Artificial intelligence

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