Sep. 2 () –
The Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (Cepyme) considers that the unemployment and affiliation data for the month of August confirm the loss of vigor in the labor market and reflect the slowdown in economic activity and the difficulties that companies are experiencing.
In the opinion of the SME employers, the increase in inflation, the rise in the cost of energy and raw materials, the bottlenecks that prevent the normal development of productive activity and the enormous uncertainty in the international context “are going to slow down the economic dynamism and employment in the latter part of this year”.
Cepyme believes that the uncertainty for the coming months is maximum and could have a negative impact on the labor market, if the situation of companies is not sufficiently taken into account and measures are adopted that, far from helping to correct this situation, aggravate it
In addition, the employers have indicated through a statement that the sharp rise in energy prices and some raw materials makes the activity of a growing number of companies “unviable”, especially in industry, a sector that concentrates the majority of the companies that consume the most energy.
“Companies are increasingly exposed to skyrocketing energy prices, which affects practically all sectors, so a significant deterioration in their activity figures can be expected in the coming months,” he warned.
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