
Businesses in Manhattan affected by security operations

Businesses in Manhattan affected by security operations

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It’s been a tough week for businesses around Trump Tower, the New York residence of former President Donald Trump. The closure of streets last week in anticipation of a possible accusation against the ex-president and the possibility of protests decreased the clientele by at least 50 percent in this Mexican restaurant and home orders were also impacted, says one of his employees, who decided to give away muffins to attract customers.

“People get scared when they hear that there is going to be a protest, that there is going to be I don’t know what, people kind of say ok I can’t go in, I can’t go through but today you see a little more flow of people. For delivery by it gives them ‘hard time’ then they can’t pass, they can’t cross the street”, says Adriana, an employee of a Mexican restaurant.

Although traffic was circulating on the streets that were closed this Monday, businesses like this gift shop and restaurants looked empty. This parking lot estimates that it has lost about $40,000 a week, and according to one of its employees, it still hasn’t recovered.

“The business is affected, there is no flow of customers. If they close the street, customers don’t come, if the street is closed they can’t get in, there’s no way,” says Vacilio, a parking attendant in Manhattan.

Former President Trump remains under the protection of the Secret Service. If he is accused, this agency together with the bailiffs of the court, will be in charge of security for his transfer to the court.

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Written by Editor TLN

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