
brutal beating by the Meloni and Salvini deputies of another from the 5 Star Movement

brutal beating by the Meloni and Salvini deputies of another from the 5 Star Movement

Igor Iezzideputy of the Italian League led by Matteo Salvini, repeatedly hit the deputy on the head this Wednesday Leonardo Donnoof the 5 Star Movement (M5S), during a session in the Chamber of Deputies regarding the law of differentiated autonomy for the regions. The attack occurred when Donno he was trying to deliver an Italian flag to the minister of Regional and Autonomous Affairs, Roberto Calderoli, in clear disagreement with the law, as reported by the newspaper The Republic.

After that, several deputies from League and, according to M5S complaint, Brothers of Italythey jumped on Donno, who had to be taken out of the Chamber in Wheelchair after he fell to the ground from kicks and punches. “The attack that occurred in the Chamber against Leonardo Donno It is a very serious and shameful fact. “Our deputy only wanted to deliver an Italian flag to Minister Calderoli, when he was attacked by majority parliamentarians, including League member Iezzi, receiving punches and ending up on the ground,” the party said in a statement.

[De ultraderecha, pero europeísta: la fórmula híbrida de Meloni para un giro conservador en la UE]

Former Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, leader of M5S, has condemned the attack on the social network reference to the law of differentiated autonomy that was debated in the chamber. This, promoted by the ruling party and approved in January by the Senate, proposes grant the Italian regions direct and autonomous management of skills such as education wave health.

Fight in the Italian Parliament: deputies from Meloni and Salvini to another from the M5S

After the attack, Iezzi defended himself. “I tried to punch him, but I didn’t get to give him. “Donno tried to attack Calderoli and I reacted,” she said, adding that “there was no physical violence,” according to the news agency. AdnKronos.

But it is not the only brawl that occurred during the session. The president of the Chamber, Lorenzo Fontana, has expelled the deputy of the League of Calabria, Domenico Furgiuele, after he made a sign with his arms against the opposition bench representing the Decima Flottiglia MOREa Navy unit created during the fascist regime, quotes Europa Press.

This is not the first time that parliamentary debate has come to blows in Italy. On October 21, 2021, tension escalated among lawmakers when the Green Pass was being debated—a sort of covid passport—. The fight began when Brothers of Italy deputies showed signs against the Green Pass and were confronted by other legislators who supported the measure. This led to pushing and shouting, and eventually a physical fight between some of the MPs. The session had to be briefly suspended to calm the situation.

Between 2011 and 2017 alone, there were four physical confrontations in the Italian Chamber of Deputies. All of them involved Democratic party (PD), center-left leader of the current opposition. In a 2011 brawl, Democratic and Northern League deputies got into a fight during a debate over austerity measures proposed by Silvio Berlusconi’s government. In 2014 and 2015, several PD representatives confronted M5S members three times over issues such as reforms to the electoral law, the labor market, and the education law.

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