Science and Tech

Benefits of a Computing Cloud for your company

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In recent years we have experienced a great evolution of information technologies that allow companies to embrace new ways to interact with their customers and potential customers. New technologies like cloud computing they also have an impact internally, providing tools so that the company’s workers and collaborators can carry out their tasks more efficiently and productively.

Thanks to the new technologiesmany processes that were carried out manually and inefficiently in the past, have become automated, which reduces costs, avoids errors, speeds up time and increases the level of quality.

What are the advantages of cloud computing for your company?

The cloud computing It has been a real revolution for companies, since it has changed the way in which they carried out many of their processes and tasks. Cloud services are used today by most organizations and companies due to all the benefits they provide.

improve productivity

When talking about cloud computing, it should be related to the task automation, which implies that many manual processes carried out by the company are replaced or updated by other more efficient automated ones. This implies a increased productivity and competitiveness of the business

Greater security

Cloud services are highly secure, as they use advanced systems and technologies to guarantee the protection of data privacy and integrity and systems (backups, data transfer encryption, high availability, load balancing, disaster recovery…).

Mobility and teleworking

The number of workers who carry out their tasks from home has increased by 350% since 2020, indicating the great importance of cloud computing in ensuring mobility at work.

Thanks to cloud services, workers can access your work platforms and business data from home, or from anywhere using mobile devices (mobile workers).

Flexibility and scalability

Cloud services stand out for their great flexibility, adapting to the needs and characteristics of each companyregardless of their size or sector in which they operate.

In addition, these are scalable services, that is, they can be implemented according to the needs of the company at any timewithout implying a complex process or a partial cessation of its activity.

Cost reduction

cloud computing helps reduce costs for companies that now they do not have to make large investments in infrastructure, incur huge updating and maintenance costs, and bear expenses such as the purchase of software licenses.

Currently, 50% of the applications that companies use are already hosted in the public cloud, and it is expected that in the year 2025, 85% will already use production containerized applications in the cloud.

Having a computing cloud should be a priority for any company today. Betting on referents in cloud services such as United Networkenables businesses to be more agile and prepared to compete in a digitized and globalized market like the current one.

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