Banco Agrario de Colombia has established specific limits and limits for withdrawing money, both at ATMs and through other methods. On the official website of the bank they indicated What are these amounts that must be taken into account.
According to the Agrarian Bank, the limits and ceilings are the following:
-Maximum amount for debit card withdrawals:
At Servibanca ATMs located in Banco Agrario offices, minimum amount from $10,000 to $2,000,000 per transaction and up to $2,000,000 daily.
-Maximum amount for withdrawals without a debit card:
Minimum amount from $10,000 to $2,000,000 per transaction and up to $2,000,000 daily.
-Banking Correspondents:
Daily withdrawal limit: Up to $500,000.
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The importance of cash
Agrarian Bank of Colombia
Source: Agrarian Bank – Facebook
The Financial Superintendence of Colombia It is the entity that regulates banks’ withdrawal limits. This measure is a necessary way to prevent criminal acts or money laundering.
However, the fundamental point of this regulation is because in Colombia the use of cash is still essential, despite the growth of digital payment methods.
What are the benefits of using ATMs?
In addition to offering several advantages, it also offers a series of very important procedures:
-Withdraw cash from checking or savings accounts with and without a debit card.
-Make advances with your credit card.
-Check the balance of checking or savings accounts.
-Pay utilities and bills.
-Change your debit card password.
(More: Do you have a child between 6 months and 5 years old? This benefit applies to you)
-Avoid long lines in offices.
-Change your password without having to go to an office.
-Make payments for utility bills and health plans, deducted directly from your savings or checking account, without having to go to offices or collection points.
-Servibanca’s Green Network has extensive national coverage so you can carry out your transactions from close to your home or work.
-Make withdrawals without a debit card, through Banco Agrario App.
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