
At least 27 detainees in Paris after strong clashes between police and protesters

At least 27 detainees in Paris after strong clashes between police and protesters

March 21 () –

At least 27 people have been arrested in Paris after strong clashes between protesters and the French Police during a demonstration in the Place de la République as part of the protests against the approved pension reform.

The balance of detainees has been confirmed to the newspaper ‘Le Figaro’ by a police source. Demonstrations have also spread, in the form of impromptu marches, to the Bastille district, Rivoli and Place du Châtelet.

As the Parisian authorities have pointed out, more than 3,000 people have attended the meeting in the Place de la République, which began peacefully in the middle of the afternoon. Subsequently, tensions have escalated and the Police have dispersed the crowd with tear gas and rubber bullets.

The protesters, who have burned garbage containers and have thrown bottles at the agents, have set up barricades in some parts of Paris. The protests have been repeated in other French cities, such as Nantes, Lille, Grenoble, Le Mans or Rennes, among others, as reported by TF1 Info.

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