Science and Tech

Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Intellectual Property at the University

Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Intellectual Property at the University

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has begun to revolutionize our lives and higher education is no exception. Universities are facing new possibilities and challenges with AI. I will briefly explore its implications for the university, focusing on its drive for innovation and tensions over intellectual property.

Rodrigo Aedo Soto
Director of Innovation and Technology Transfer
Catholic University of Temuco
[email protected]

AI offers a wide range of possibilities to foster innovation in universities, improving research and development processes by accelerating data collection and analysis. AI algorithms can process large volumes of information more efficiently than traditional methods, allowing researchers to quickly obtain evidence-based insights and results. This type of capacity will promote the generation of new knowledge and scientific advances in multiple fields.

In Environmental Sciences, AI can assist, through monitoring systems, in the collection and analysis of large-scale environmental data, providing researchers with valuable information to understand patterns and assist in the modeling and prediction of natural phenomena, such as weather. climate change, deforestation or the spread of forest fires.

In the Social Sciences you can contribute to research by processing and analyzing large data sets such as texts, surveys, interviews or historical records. Likewise, it can collaborate in the identification of patterns and trends in areas such as the economy, politics and demography, supporting a better understanding of social phenomena.

In the field of Engineering, AI can support innovation in the design of products and services, accelerating the generation of creative ideas and evaluating multiple options. As well as in predictive maintenance, where machine learning algorithms can analyze data from multiple sensors to predict critical failures.

In Health, there is a high potential to improve medical diagnosis, by detecting patterns and correlations from large volumes of data, which can help to interpret and diagnose more accurately. As well as, hospital management from the automation of records and analysis of high amounts of clinical information.

However, it is also important to address the ethical challenges that undoubtedly arise in the use of AI in these fields. The use of personal data in AI-based research should comply with rigorous ethical and legal standards to ensure privacy and the protection of the rights of individuals.

The use of AI as a driver of university innovation also poses challenges related to intellectual property, an effect that the generation of knowledge and technologies based on AI can raise questions about the authorship and ownership of the results obtained, due to the use of large data sets that may be protected by intellectual property. Likewise, the creation of works through AI has led us to a tension that has just begun because there is no imprint of an author, expressed through his effort and creative decisions, in the work. This type of case arises because we do not think that artificial systems would reproduce the exclusive abilities and capacities of our species.

Finally, AI has reached society as an opportunity with advantages and dilemmas. For now, what is important is to regulate its development so that it becomes a real help for humanity, allowing the closing of gaps and in no case their deepening.

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