
Anti-corruption opposes the judge investigating the PP’s complaint against the PSOE for illegal financing |

The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office has requested the judge of the National Court Santiago Pedraz to directly inadmiss the complaint filed last Monday by the PP against the PSOE for an alleged crime of illegal financingbased on the testimony of a businessman who claims that he delivered 90,000 euros to the socialist headquarters of Ferraz, according to tax sources.

The complaintto which Europa Press has had access, is directed against the PSOE, the businessman Víctor de Aldama and Koldo García – former advisor to the former socialist minister José Luis Ábalos -, among others, for alleged crimes of illegal financing, money laundering, influence peddling and bribery. The document was presented before the Central Court of Instruction Number 5, headed by Santiago Pedraz, because it is part of the secret investigations led by this judicial headquarters for an alleged VAT fraud of more than 182 million in the hydrocarbon sector.

The ‘popular’ They base their complaint on the information published on October 10 by ‘The Objective’, which includes the testimony of two anonymous informants, one of whom claimed that he took 90,000 euros to the socialist headquarters of Ferraz in two deliveries that were made with bags. of plastic in October 2020. The ultimate objective, according to these testimonies, would be that through the intermediation of De Aldama with Koldo, the Villafuel company would obtain the title of operator in the hydrocarbon sector, which it finally obtained.

For the PP, “the alleged delivery of 90,000 euros in cash by an individual to obtain an administrative license at the headquarters of a political party” is a sufficiently important indication to “initiate an investigation in order to clarify the identity of the recipient.” and the destination of the funds”. However, it also points to the connection of these events with those investigated in the Central Court of Instruction Number 2 by Ismael Moreno in the ‘Koldo case’ and to the existence of “an aforado” -Ábalos- who could force the matter to be taken to court. Supreme Court.

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