
AMD plans to make the jump to glass substrates in its CPUs between 2025 and 2026

AMD plans to make the jump to glass substrates in its CPUs between 2025 and 2026

The limits of organic substrates as manufacturing processes for chips such as processors shrink are closer than ever. Companies are looking for new materials to continue to comply with Moore’s Law (the one developed by the co-founder of Intel that indicates that every two years the number of transistors in chips doubles).

Intel itself already showed its plans last year for replacing organic substrates with glass, And now it’s AMD is reportedly planning to follow the same path.

Geeknetic AMD plans to make the jump to glass substrates in its CPUs between 2025 and 2026 1

According to information appearing in Business Koreathe company is accelerating plans to make the leap to glass substrate between the 2025 and 2026. To do this, they will collaborate with several companies to stay in the race for chip evolution.

Other companies such as SKC, Samsung and LG are already working on using this material as a base for their next chips. In fact, Samsung has plans to start mass production of chips of this type in 2026. It seems that, by then, the main players in the industry will switch to this material to increase the density of their chips, especially in models with several chiplets under the same chip.

This technology will also allow for a greater support for high temperatures since glass is a much more resistant material both mechanically and thermally.

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Article Author: Antonio Delgado

Antonio Delgado

Computer Engineer by training, editor and hardware analyst at Geeknetic since 2011. I love to dissect everything that passes through my hands, especially the latest hardware that we receive here to do reviews. In my free time I tinker with 3D printers, drones and other gadgets. For anything you need, here I am.

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