economy and politics

Alvise in Brussels: the catharsis that does not come while the cases against him intensify

Alvise in Brussels: the catharsis that does not come while the cases against him intensify

Luis ‘Alvise’ Pérez made it very clear on countless occasions why he wanted to be an MEP: to be certified before the Supreme Court and protected to continue developing what he calls, with different names, his fight against corruption and the system. Three months after collecting his report and promising a battery of compromising audios that do not arrive, the leader of ‘Se Acabó La Fiesta’ faces a very different scenario from the one he drew during the campaign: multiple investigations unrelated to any fight against corruption and some appearances in Brussels that are limited to videos about superfluous expenses in the European Parliament as well as interventions rebuking other Spanish MEPs. All while the extreme right refuses to welcome him into its fold.

Alvise’s Telegram channel has almost 710,000 followers. A slight and momentary decrease after exclusively published that he collected 100,000 euros in cash from a businessman specialized in cryptocurrencies and impossible investments, but almost double the followers he had before launching his candidacy for the European elections of the past month of June. Hundreds of thousands of people who have been consuming promises for years about the advent of a “catharsis” of the system that has not yet reached the hands of the former Ciudadanos advisor.

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