The acting mayor and candidate for mayor of Guadalajara for the PSOE, Alberto Rojo, has decided to appear next June 17 for the investiture as alderman, understanding that his candidacy “has been the winner” in the elections of the past 28 May, that his list has been the most voted and, above all, “as mayor of moderation.”
This has been expressed by Alberto Rojo in statements to Europa Press, before a foreseeable government of the PP and Vox, by adding between the two political forces 13 councilors (nine the Popular Party headed by Ana Guarinos as mayoral candidate, and four the one led as head of the list for the formation of Santiago Abascal, Javier Toquero from Guadalajara) compared to the 11 achieved by him.
Calm and satisfied with the work carried out in these four years of his legislature, Alberto Rojo has abounded that the candidate of the Popular Party, Ana Guarinos, will have to show if he really loves the city, if he is not an extremist party and if he is interested in government stability or just think about “power for power’s sake”. “I am the most voted list. I have won the elections resoundingly and forcefully and that is why I have decided to stand for the inauguration on the 17th to continue being the mayor of Guadalajara, although now it depends on others ”, he stressed.
The acting mayor has abounded that the data obtained by his formation endorse him as the party with the most support, having achieved more than 40% of the votes cast (16,877), which has meant five more points compared to 2,019 and 2,000 supports. more than four years ago, as well as 4,000 more ballots than the formation led by Ana Guarinos, the party that is expected to govern in Guadalajara from the day of the 17th if it finally reaches an agreement with Vox.