Science and Tech

According to Google, AI is currently no smarter than a cat

GPT-5 Artificial Intelligence

In recent months, everyone seems to be talking about artificial intelligence all the time. Experts are constantly questioning what its limits might be, and tech gurus and others seem to disagree on when the singularity will arrive, and this technology will finally be able to manage itself, without the need for humans.

Given these circumstances, you might think that by now, and given the popularity of tools like ChatGPT, artificial intelligence has an IQ worth considering, and that is why there is so much talk about its potential dangers. Well, according to a Google expert, that is not the case at all. In fact, it has the intelligence of a cat.

AI is as smart as a cat, says Google


That almost no one seems to have any conflicting opinions about artificial intelligence is a demonstrable fact. For some, thanks to it it will be possible to live 120 years, or even aspire to immortality and even be able to revive the dead. Others, however, consider it to be a “bubble” and that like all bubbles, sooner or later it will burst.

Demis Hassabis, the CEO of Google DeepMind, may be somewhere in the middle. On the one hand, as he has acknowledged in a recent talk Along with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, he believes that artificial intelligence may be able to change everything in the future. In fact, recognizes that it is one of the great advances of humanity.

However, the expert is also cautious, especially when it comes to assessing the opinions of some who claim that AI is, or will soon be, too intelligent and will become a threat to everyone. Hassabis does not doubt the evolution of this technology, but asks for patience: currently thinks that artificial intelligence cannot be considered smarter than a cat.

“It is true that artificial intelligence is capable of writing, painting or making music as convincingly as a human,” the computer scientist acknowledges, referring to some of the skills that the vast majority of users use the most, “But a normal domestic cat has much more intelligence in a general sense of the term”.

No, AI is not as smart as people

With this analogy, Demis Hassabis seems to reassure all those who fear that AI could soon replace humans (as some people are already claiming, and are losing their jobs). “AI is very far from humans in any sense you want to look at it,” says the CEO of Google.

However, he also acknowledges that in some ways, this technology is unmatched: “In some areas, such as gaming, AI outperforms the best in the world”he admits.

And yes, he thinks that it could become as important as fire or writing once were… but reality should not be confused with the desires of science fiction.

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Tags: Artificial intelligence

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