Jan 17, 2025 09:53 GMT
Despite all its benefits, specialists advise always consulting your doctor before starting a treatment based on medicinal plants.
The unknown by many orthosiphon infusion or Java tea has multiple health benefits: it acts as a natural diuretichelping to better expel toxins through urine, reduces blood pressure and it has effects antidiabetic and anti-inflammatoryaccording to a study published in the Journal of Pharmacy And Bioallied Sciences.
‘Orthosiphon aristatus’ is a flowering plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. This 40 to 80 cm tall herb is found in an area stretching from tropical Asia to tropical Australia, details the Committee for Herbal Medicines, dependent on the European Medicines Agency. Its leaves and the tips of the stem, which are collected during the flowering season, are used in traditional medicine to make different preparations.
Kidney benefits
Orthosiphon infusion is primarily a diuretic. Therefore, it is prescribed for pathologies of the urinary tract. It quickly relieves pain, reduces swelling and inflammation, which can prevent kidney stone formation and improve overall kidney function.
Another study highlights its beneficial use for treat diabetic nephropathy. It is a disease caused by alterations in the kidney that people with diabetes develop when their blood glucose control and other associated factors have not been adequate. explains the University of Navarra Clinic. It is completely asymptomatic until serious, often irreparable, damage to kidney function occurs (kidney failure). In addition, it is the main cause of terminal kidney diseases.
Likewise, a study published in July in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology determined that Java tea can attenuate the development of diabetic nephropathy by modulating the intestinal microbiota and ferroptosis, which presents a novel scientific justification for the clinical use of the infusion. “Our research demonstrates that treatment with ‘kidney tea’ attenuates glucose metabolism disorders, systemic inflammation and kidney injury in mice with diabetic nephropathy,” the research authors noted.

Helps with urine infections
Regarding other therapeutic uses of orthosiphon, the European Medicines Agency approves its traditional use to increase diuresis, as urinary tract lavage therapyespecially in urinary disorders of an inflammatory nature, collect the General Council of Pharmaceutical Colleges, which reminds that to reinforce the diuretic effect it is advisable to ensure an abundant intake of liquids.
However, the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products warns than java tea should be used with caution in case of liver or kidney disease. Urinary tract lavage therapy should not be performed in case of edema caused by kidney or heart failure, unless prescribed by a doctor.
Lowering blood pressure
Long-term high blood pressure can cause kidney disease on its own or be a consequence of a kidney disorder, report authors noted published in Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. Uncontrolled hypertension can accelerate the natural course of any underlying kidney disease. On the other hand, several studies have concluded that orthosiphon infusion can be used to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

Furthermore, other research showed that orthosiphon has excellent antioxidant propertiesis rich in phenolic secondary metabolites, some of which also have antimicrobial activity, as well as has hepatoprotective and gastroprotective effects.
Despite all the benefits that Java tea offers, specialists They advise always consulting the doctor and to the trusted pharmacist before starting a treatment based on medicinal plants for their correct use.
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