economy and politics

A judge accuses Ayuso’s number three in the Madrid PP of four crimes of corruption

A judge accuses Ayuso's number three in the Madrid PP of four crimes of corruption

A judge from Navalcarnero sees evidence of four crimes of corruption in Ana Millán, former mayor of Arroyomolinos and number three of the PP of Madrid, after four years of investigation. Despite her indictment in 2022, Isabel Díaz Ayuso has been promoted to Millán in recent times until she became a regional representative in the last elections and became a member of parliament, which is why Judge Lidia Prada Zurdo has recused herself in favor of the Court. Superior of Justice of Madrid.

“It is indicatively deduced that those investigated may be the authors of the facts under investigation that would be discussed, without prejudice to subsequent classification of crimes of prevarication, bribery, influence peddling and fraud against the public administration. And given that Ms. Millán Arroyo is a certified person (…) the inhibition of the knowledge of this procedure is appropriate in favor of the TSJ of Madrid, Civil and Criminal Chamber acting as the Criminal Chamber,” states the car to which has had access.

The Court number 6 of Investigation and First Instance of Navalcarnero investigates the income to Millán and his entourage by the businessman Francisco Roselló, winner of the Councilor’s Office who held the policy before becoming mayor of the municipality of Arroyomolinos. In June 2023, Millán left the Mayor’s Office of Arroyomolinos after Ayuso elected her as vice president of the Madrid Assembly, to which must be added her position in the Madrid PP as vice secretary of Organization.

Four companies from Roselló were awarded, between 2006 and 2011, more than 660,915.21 euros in contracts from the Department of Youth, headed by Ana Millán, according to the data that the UCO has obtained from the Treasury. When Millán changed Councillors, the Arroyomolinos City Council stopped hiring Roselló, according to the Civil Guard. Within that period, between January 3, 2008 and July 13, 2012, Ana Belén Millán received 44,462.67 euros from the company Neverland, owned by Roselló, as recorded in the reports of the Central Operational Unit of the Guard Civilians incorporated into the case.

As the judge’s order highlights, an official described in court “the difference in treatment granted by the former councilor in the hiring and in the way of interacting with Grupo Educativo [de Roselló], which would have been different from that of the rest of the companies that were awarded by his Department.” And he adds: “This confidentiality, reserve and personal treatment on the part of Ana Millán is significant, even more so if one considers that in parallel to this aforementioned participation, a series of circumstances occurred that would link Ana Millán with Grupo Educativo and Francisco Roselló” .

At this point, the judge’s order lists the alleged perks that Millán obtained for the awarding of those contracts. “[Millán] received payments for a global value of 51,104.67 euros from Neverland Eventos and Francisco Roselló himself. The reason for them would be based on the payment of the rent for an Arroyomolinos penthouse, with an option to purchase, for the value of the mortgage, the community and the supplies. During this time, Neverland Events. he would have re-let the property. “They were paid between the years 2008 and 2012.”

Likewise, Beatriz Millán, “sister of the former Councilor, received payments for a global value of 88,642.42 euros from GE Escuelas Urbanas and GE Social Foundation, in respect of income from work and economic activities, for her professional performance in these companies. “They were paid between the years 2008 and 2016.” Urban Schools is another Roselló company. Ana Millán’s partner, “was charged, as income from work and economic activities, income for a total amount of €37,578.04 from a UTE made up of the commercial companies GE Escuela de Ocio and GE Escuelas Urbanas.”

And the judge concludes: “Finally, and with reference to the year 2008, remember that after the analysis carried out on Ana Millán’s bank accounts, numerous cash receipts of unknown origin were located, also beginning in 2008. In relation to “The same, considering the justifications given by the former councilor in court, would amount to 42,650.00 euros in 2008 and 2014.”

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