Science and Tech

A driver took his Tesla to the limit of absurdity: he covered the windshield and windows to avoid the sun, relying on autopilot

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Imagine driving a car with the windows and windshield completely covered so that the sun does not bother you, and letting your vehicle “drive itself”.

Although it may sound crazy, this is exactly what the owner of a Tesla Model 3 did on a highway in California.

The video of this surreal moment has circulated on Reddit, showing how andThe driver chose to block his view of the road so his car would do all the work while he rested, or so it seemed.

Autopilot technology, misunderstood?

Tesla has promoted its Autopilot and FSD autonomous driving system (Full Self-Driving or Full Autonomous Driving Capability) as great advances in the automotive industry. However, despite what many believe, these systems still do not allow the car to be fully autonomous.

Actually, Tesla is at level 2 autonomywhich means that the driver is still responsible for operating the car and must be attentive at all times.

The problem lies in perception. Many Tesla owners interpret technological advances as an invitation to completely relax while the car does the work. And that is a serious mistake, as becomes clear in extreme situations like that of this driver who decided to cover his windshield with a sunshade, blindly trusting Autopilot.

Since Tesla introduced its Autopilot, there have been notorious cases of drivers who abused this system. Some users went so far as to sleep in the back seat or engage in activities that distract their full attention from driving, all while the car was moving.

Although Tesla has implemented safety measures, such as alarms and cameras that detect if the driver is not paying attention, there always seem to be people willing to defy those warnings.

Despite what the company has warned, Some still believe that the car can operate completely autonomouslyand this represents an enormous danger both for them and for others on the road.

How is it possible to fool the Tesla security system?

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Tesla’s Autopilot system is designed to require driver intervention. The steering wheel must detect that the hands are in contact and internal cameras verify that the driver is paying attention. However, some people have found ways to get around these mechanisms.

On the Internet, devices are sold that simulate the presence of hands on the steering wheel, tricking the car into believing that the driver is still in control.

But while the steering wheel system can be manipulated, completely covering the windows and windshield raises a bigger question: How come Tesla’s monitoring system didn’t detect that the driver was completely disengaged?

The most worrying thing about this incident is that The Tesla Model 3 not only drove, but changed lanes automatically to avoid other slower vehicles, demonstrating that Autopilot can manage certain functions without human intervention. However, this does not justify irresponsible use of the system.

In the end, the drivers who captured the moment informed the California police, providing the car’s license plate number so that they could take action.

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