On May 16, 2024, the entertainment world was shocked by the unexpected death of Verónica Toussaint, who lost her life at 48 after a long fight against cancer. However, her memory still remains in the memories of all the people who had the opportunity to meet her, just as happened to one of her colleagues, who recently admitted that the driver was very important in this complicated process..
Andrea Torre opened up about the role that Verónica Toussaint played in her cancer treatment
During a recent talk with “Sale el Sol”, Andrea Torre shared some of the memories she has of the time she underwent different treatments to get rid of the breast cancer with which she was diagnosed in 2023.. And although it has been one of the greatest tests he has faced, it also left him valuable lessons, a couple of them courtesy of Verónica Toussaint, who would have been her confidant and faithful companion in the days when uncertainty took hold of her.
“Yes, Vero. I will always be grateful to her, because she was my sensei. I left a lot of things. She told me that all her hair, eyebrows, eyelashes were going to fall out. She recommended that I take care of my diet, go to the dentist, she was my teacher. When I had chemotherapy, he wrote to me to see how I was doing,” said the “A Family of Ten” actress noticeably moved for all the feelings that these days stir in you.
Verónica Toussaint inspired Andrea Torre: this is the legacy she wants to continue
Finally, Andrea Torre pointed out that she would like to be a support for someone else, just like Verónica Toussaint did with her without expecting to receive anything in return.. “I had my illness in secret and very few people knew about it. Vero gave me a Buddhist rosary that had helped her during her chemo. He was at the bottom of the canyon with me and I would like to be like her to help someone else.“concluded the 45-year-old producer.
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