Science and Tech

DiDi Entrega Light: this will be the new motorcycle delivery service

DiDi Entrega Light: this will be the new motorcycle delivery service

How does DiDi Delivery light work

There are certain features to be able to use this function.

The first is that the object has to fit in a Didi food backpack. The second is that it cannot exceed the value of 2,000 pesos. The third is that the distance range cannot be more than 10 kilometers. “This allows us to harden the service and make sure the collaboration ecosystem works for everyone,” Robles shared.

Within the application, at the bottom left there is an option called “Didi Entrega”. There, two options will be displayed: “Didi XL or Didi Light”. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

It is suggested that you use Didi XL for those items that are larger or difficult to transport on a motorcycle, and also in consideration of traffic and weather.

Robles shared that the Didi Delivery Light delivery drivers are the same as Didi Food. “They know the app, they know the needs of the users and they have this reliability component since all the delivery men and drivers go through security filters.”

In which cities is it available?

This option was launched under a pilot test scheme in Puebla, in 2023. According to Robles, they gradually incorporated new cities with the learning.

The last three cities to join were Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey.

These are all the cities where it is available:

  1. Mexico City
  2. Guadalajara
  3. Monterey
  4. aguascaleinttes
  5. chhuahua
  6. Obregon City
  7. culiacan
  8. hermosillo
  9. Juarez City
  10. Peace
  11. Lion
  12. The Monchis
  13. Merida
  14. Mazatlan
  15. mexicali
  16. Puebla
  17. Toluca
  18. Tijuana
  19. Queretaro
  20. cuernavaca

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