Pamela Alarcón, UNAB Journalist.- The newspaper La Tercera recently published an article about the visit to Chile Andreas Höecker, director and spokesperson for the ATLAS collaborationthe largest experiment in particle physics currently being developed in the world.
The article deals with the most outstanding aspects of this international collaboration, which is carried out in the facilities of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)located in Switzerland, specifically in the Large Hadron Collider, a giant particle accelerator that has a circumference of around 27 kilometers.
The publication also refers to the talk that the prominent German physicist presented at the Andrés Bello University, as well as Chile’s collaboration in this experiment and the impact that the exploration of particle physics can have on people’s daily lives. . In this regard, the prominent German physicist Andreas Höecker, noted:
“Most of the disease detection technology currently used in medicine is preceded by the investigation of fundamental particles, such as X-rays, for example. There is a lot of technology that was previously used in fundamental research that today is vital for disease prevention.”
The visit of the spokesman of the Atlas experiment and the expectation that it caused in the scientific and student community of UNAB, reveal the great interest that has aroused in our country to be part of a collaboration of planetary relevance, which has mobilized more than 3,000 of the brightest minds of the present.
That the prolific scientific development of our country has an active participation in the ATLAS experiment is news that can inspire new generations of thinkers and physicists, who already see how constant international collaboration can be the key to finding transcendental solutions to understand the first questions that humanity has asked itself, and also, to resolve the most daily health issues, which is one of the ways to improve people’s quality of life.
Check the full note in the following links.