
Chile starts a new constitutional process after the rejection in a referendum

Chile starts a new constitutional process after the rejection in a referendum

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Chile overwhelmingly rejected the New Constitution with 62%. The result is a very hard blow for the Government of Gabriel Boric, who had bet everything on a victory for the yes and who has had to remodel his government to face a new stage and move towards a new constituent process. In the past, the majority of Chileans said that they wanted to break with the Pinochet constitution, but now they also say no in this way.

What lessons does this rejection leave? Is the constitutional process in any case irrevocable? How will it be done from now on?

Faced with rejection, consequences: Boric has turned towards the center remodeling his cabinet and approaching the traditional center-left. Does he again show that plasticity that characterizes the young Chilean leader?

To analyze these questions, they accompany us in study:

Marie-Laure Sara de la Vaissiere, Professor and Researcher at the Catholic Institute of Paris

Paola Martinez Infante, freelance journalist

Manuel Suzarte, doctoral candidate in history at the Institute of Advanced Latin American Studies

Follow us on the social networks of #EnPrimeraPlana and RFI

A program coordinated by Florence Valdes Made by Yann Bourdelas, Mathias Taylor and Jérémy Boucher.

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