Over the years we have learned all kinds of stories about (ultra) secret plans of the United States intelligence and military services. War simulator for a possible nuclear apocalypse, building a secret “atomic” city under the ice of Antarctica or even plans to control global overpopulation. Now we know that for a few years they also have a contingency plan for a possible zombie apocalypse.
Context and origin. The United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) developed the designated as CONPLAN-8888-11 in 2011. The idea: an exercise to train officers in operational planning, using a fictional zombie apocalypse scenario.
Although the proposal may seem absurd, the truth is that it finally turned out to be an effective tool for teach basic concepts of military planning without risk of being misunderstood as a real strategy with specific countries.
Plan objectives. The plan details how to protect civilians, safeguard vital infrastructure and neutralize the zombie threat without violating human rights (nor those of zombies if they were considered conscious life). CONPLAN-8888 employs phases ranging from early detection of zombification vectors to complete elimination of the threat and restoration of civil authority.
The document details a wide range of zombie types depending on their originfrom those created by radiation or magical experiments to “vegetarian zombies” that pose a threat to the food supply. It includes stages such as awareness training, mobilization of military personnel, deployment of reconnaissance teams, and restoration of civil authority once the threat is eliminated.
The rules of engagement specify that zombies They can only be neutralized with headshots and burning of the bodies.. The strategy includes advance surveillance, measures to deter those who could create zombies and synchronized military offensives, even with nuclear weapons, to eradicate massive hordes. A careful international response is expected to avoid alarming powers such as Russia or China.
Tactical innovations. Among the strategies of the improbable event, the following stand out: the use of robots to protect critical infrastructure and plans to manage medical facilities infiltrated by zombies. In addition, and as we said, possible uses of nuclear weapons are foreseen within the continental territory of the United States if the situation demands it.
The “legality” of a surreal plan. The plan adds that US legislation could limit military mobilization in internal affairs, especially if zombies were considered “citizens.” However, the plan argues that zombies, not being conscious life, They should not be protected by these laws. This point obviously needs “revision.”
To give some more context, it is emphasized that the use of zombies was deliberate due to their fantastic nature, eliminating those political risks or misunderstandings about possible real threats with third countries. An approach that has been previously used by agencies such as the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security to train their personnel.
Although fictitious, The Pentagon emphasizes that it does not anticipate a zombie invasionbut instead looks for improvements with real disaster preparedness and hopes to never have to use the plan. While its actual application is more than unlikely, it illustrates the military’s ability to plan for any threat, even the most unlikely ones.
Image | World War Z
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