economy and politics

ECLAC presents study on Sustainable Electric Public Transport: A Path to Gender Equality in Latin America

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), with the support of the Euroclima programme of the European Commission, has published the study “Analysis and Proposals for Electric Public Transport from a Gender Perspective”, prepared by addresses the urgent need to transform public transport systems in Latin America.

The document focuses its analysis on the importance of incorporating the gender perspective in the planning and operation of these systems, with the aim of making them more inclusive and sustainable, taking into account that the patterns of daily travel associated with women’s care tasks have not been sufficiently observed by public policies.

In a context where the 2030 Agenda faces significant challenges, the gender approach is presented as a key tool to promote inclusion and innovation in urban mobility.

One of the most relevant conclusions of the report is the need to integrate the gender perspective into public policies related to transport. This implies not only the creation of regulations that promote equality, but also the implementation of education and training programs that empower women in the sector.

Technical and technological training, initially in areas such as driving, stands out as a fundamental strategy to encourage female participation in the public transport industry, thus contributing to its modernization. Advances in electromobility in public transport in Chile and Colombia are successful examples of this strategy for incorporating women.

The report also underlines the importance of adopting a circular economy approach in modernising the public transport fleet. It proposes the creation of innovation clusters that promote sustainable and efficient measures, which would not only benefit the environment but also create new economic opportunities for women.

It is stressed that transport systems must be made more efficient and managed in a transparent manner, ensuring that concessions and job opportunities are available to all.

This document is a call to action for Latin American cities to adopt a more inclusive and sustainable approach in the development of their public transport systems. A fairer and more sustainable future requires a gender perspective and the active participation of women in the region.

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