economy and politics

30th Conference of the International Association for Input-Output Analysis and 12th Edition of the International School of IP Analysis


Sunday, June 30

IIOA Council Meeting (Council members only, Location: Pullman Hotel)

Reception of the International School of Input-Output Analysis (ISIOA) (Location: Pullman Hotel)

Monday, July 1: 12.either ISIOA Edition – Andrés Bello University

Module 1: Nicolò Golinucci, Politecnico di Milano and eNextGen (Italy). Topic: Input-Output analysis and modelling with MARIO.

Module 2: Jesus Morales, Banco de la República (Colombia). Topic: Multisector DSGE models based on Input-Output tables.

Module 3: Zeus Guevara, Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico). Topic: Multi-factor Environmentally-extended Input-Output Analysis.

Module 4: Kailian Tian, ​​Chinese Academy of Sciences (China). Topic: International trade and global supply chain analysis.

Module 5: Martin Cicowiez, National University of La Plata (Argentina). Topic: Computable General Equilibrium Models: An introduction.

IO Buddies (Location: Pullman Hotel)

IIOA Conference Welcome Reception (Location: Pullman Hotel)

Tuesday, July 2: 30.either IIOA Conference (Day 1) – ECLAC

Opening ceremony
• Mr. José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Executive Secretary, CEPA
• Mr Sanjiv Mahajan, Chair of the Council of the International Association for Input-Output Analysis (IIOA) and Head of Research Methods and Engagement, Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom
• Ms. Gloria Peña, Manager, Statistics and Data Division, Central Bank of Chile
• Ms. Claudia Sanhueza, Undersecretary of International Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile
• Mr. Miguel Vargas, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Andrés Bello University

Plenary Session 1
Keynote speaker: Dr. Ya-Yen Sun (University of Queensland, Australia) on “Tourism and Carbon Emissions: A Global Analysis of Inequalities and the Contribution of Input-Output in Measuring Sustainability”.

Parallel session 1: Input-Output Theory and Methodology, Regional Analysis, Trade and Global Value Chains Policies, Industrial policies, Special session: Advances in Circular Economy Scenario Modelling, and Disaster analysis.

Parallel session 2: Input-Output Theory and Methodology, Industrial Policies, Trade and Global Value Chains Policies, Special session: Environmental impact of global value chains reconfiguration, Sustainable Production and Consumption Policies, and YSI and Development Program I.

Parallel session 3: Input-Output Theory and Methodology, Financial analysis, Trade and Global Value Chains Policies, Special session: Sharing Experiences in Compiling Subnational Input-Output Tables, Sustainable Production and Consumption Policies, and YSI and Development Program II.

Meeting of the Editorial Board of Economic Systems Research (By invitation only)

Young Researchers Night (Location: Rosita Restaurant)

Wednesday, July 3: 30.either IIOA Conference (Day 2) – ECLAC

Roundtable on Public Policies based on the Input-Output Approach

Parallel session 4: Input-Output Theory and Methodology, Energy Policies, Trade and Global Value Chains Policies, Special Session: Extended SUTs and IOTs – experiences and techniques of national statistical institutes and international organizations, Sustainable Production and Consumption Policies, YSI and Development Programme III.

Parallel session 5: Structural Decomposition Analysis, Energy Policies, Trade and Global Value Chains Policies, Special session: Extended SUTs and IOTs – experiences and techniques of national statistical institutes and international organizations, Sustainable Production and Consumption Policies, and YSI and Development Program IV.

Parallel session 6: Structural Decomposition Analysis, Regional Analysis, Trade and Global Value Chains Policies, Special session: Integration of energy systems models and economic models: advances and applications, Sustainable Production and Consumption Policies, and YSI and Development Program V.

Thursday, July 4: 30.either IIOA Conference (Day 3) – ECLAC

Flash Session II

Plenary session 3
Keynote speaker: Prof. Thijs ten Raa (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) on “Rectifying Consumption-Based Footprint Analysis: A National Accounts Approach to Emission Taxes and the Regressive Impact on Income Classes”.

Parallel session 7: Regional Analysis, Special Session – Assessing Industrial, Trade and Green Transition Policies Through SFC-IO Models, Trade and Global Value Chains Policies, Global Input-Output Accounts (GIANT): a collective initiative to harmonize input data entering ICIO tables published by international organizations , Sustainable Production and Consumption Policies, Industrial policies.

Parallel session 8: Regional Analysis, Special Session – Assessing Industrial, Trade and Green Transition Policies Through SFC-IO Models, Price and Income Policies, GIANT initiative, Employment Policies, Disaster analysis.

IIOA Annual General Assembly

Conference Dinner (Location: Andrés Bello University)

Friday, July 5: 30.either IIOA Conference (Day 4) – ECLAC

Flash Session II

Plenary session 3
Keynote speaker: Dr. Sébastien Miroudot (OECD) on “Input-Output Analysis and its role in Shaping Trade Policies: Addressing Supply Chain Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience in an Era of Global Uncertainty”.

Parallel session 9: Regional Analysis, Energy Policies, Income distribution policies, Employment Policies, Input-Output Analysis.

Flash Award Presentation and Closing Ceremony

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