Opening ceremony
● Luis Fidel Yáñez, Secretary of the Commission, ECLAC
● Verónica Siman, UNFPA Deputy Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean (REMOTE)
● Claudia Mojica, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Argentina
● Oscra Herrera, Governor of Misiones
● Alicia Kirchner, Governor of Santa Cruz
● Jorge Enrique Taiana, Minister of Defense of the Nation
● Tristán Bauer, Minister of Culture of the Argentine Nation
● Eduardo “Wado” De Pedro, Minister of the Interior of the Argentine Nation
Panel 1: Planning and development experiences with territorial integration
Moderator: Martín Abeles, Director of ECLAC Argentina
● Luis Riffo Pérez, Researcher at ILPES-CEPAL. Chili
● Adriana Melo Alves, National Secretary for Territorial and Regional Development Policies. Brazil (REMOTE)
● Paula Español, Undersecretary of Regional Equity. Ministry of Interior. Argentina
Panel 2: The importance of population statistical systems based on administrative records (RRAA) for the design of public policies
Moderator: Jorge Rodríguez Vignoli, Senior Research Assistant, CELADE-Population Division
● Helena Cruz Castanheira, Population Affairs Officer CELADE-Population Division of ECLAC (REMOTE)
● Susanne Melde, Regional Knowledge Management Officer, IOM Regional Office for South America
● Miguel Ojeda, Head of the Demography Subdepartment INE Chile
● Mariano Fagalde, National Director of Population-National Registry of Persons, Ministry of the Interior, Argentina
Panel #3: Fertility decline: possible causes, consequences and challenges. Experiences of the region and the world in contexts of low fertility Moderator: Mariana Isasi, Head of Office of the United Nations Population Fund in Argentina (UNFPA)
● Matías Somoza, Data and Statistics Coordinator of the National Population Directorate, Ministry of the Interior, Argentina
● Georgina Binstock, CENEP-CONICET. Argentina
● Jorge Rodríguez Vignoli, Senior Research Assistant, CELADE-Population Division of ECLAC
● Wanda Cabella, Professor of the Population Program. Uruguay
Panel #4. Policies on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Argentina and the region
Moderator: Fernando Filgueira, Representative of UNFPA Uruguay
● Analia Messina, Coordinator of the Working Group for Access to IVE/ILE and Post-Abortion, National Directorate of Sexual and Reproductive Health. Ministry of Health of the Argentine Nation
● Nina Zamberlin, Senior Program Officer at Fòs Feminista
● Edurne Cárdenas, Partnerships Coordinator, IPAS LAC
● Cettina D’Angelo Quezada, Comprehensive Adolescent and Youth Health Program. Undersecretary of Public Health, Ministry of Health. Chili
Panel #5: Context of aging in the region: socioeconomic perspectives and challenges Moderator: Christian Arias, Head of Training at the Secretariat for Human Rights, Community Gerontology, Gender and Care Policies PAMI and CEIPSU-UNTREF
● Simone Cecchini, Director of CELADE – Population Division of ECLAC
● Juan Carlos Alfonso, National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI), CUBA
● Enrique Peláez, Researcher at the Center for Research and Studies on Culture and Society (CIECS), dependent on CONICET and the National University of Córdoba, Argentina
● Mónica Roqué, General Secretary for human rights, community gerontology, gender and PAMI care policies. Argentina
Panel #6: National and regional strategies for the protection of the rights of migrants Moderator: Simone Cecchini, Director of CELADE
● Gabriela Fernández, Head of the IOM Argentina Office
● Andrés Pérez Esquivel, Director of International Affairs of the Argentine National Migration Office
● Allan Alvarenga, Executive Director of the National Institute of Migration of the Republic of Honduras.
Challenges for a population and development agenda
● Mariano Fagalde, National Director of Population, National Registry of Persons, Ministry of the Interior, Argentina
● Head of Office of the United Nations Population Fund in Argentina (UNFPA)
● Simone Cecchini, Director of CELADE – Population Division of ECLAC
● José Lepere, Secretary of the Interior, Ministry of the Interior of Argentina.